After an Indiana Jones ride to Hallsville’s UIL meet Saturday the journalism team came home with hard won medals. The meet was highly competitive with 30-35 students in the small school division (1A-3A). Team captain and former state feature medalist Austin Jordan won the gold in headline writing. Rookie sophomore Mason Malone nailed down the bronze in feature writing and rookie freshman Cade Palmer took 4th in editorial. The team celebrated with a dinner at a great Mexican food restaurant.
Students will be able to:
~identify the elements of society that re-emerge in crisis situations as people adapt to changing circumstances.
~identify and explain roles within a group in crisis situations.
~explain how previously acquired roles can create conflict as circumstances change.
Monday-Tuesday: complete viewing of film Alive
Wednesday -Thursday: discuss film and take essay test
Friday: Senior Friday-college prep skills
Introduction to Journalism:
Students will be able to:
~create a timeline of journalism from the first newspaper in journalism through broadcast journalism
~explain who Edward R. Murrow, Ernie Pyle and other significant broadcasters are that laid the groundwork for this new form of journalism
~discuss and explain how world events contributed to the evolving field of journalism
Monday: Lecture & discussion of Great Depression & WWII on development of broadcast journalism
Tuesday: biography film of Ernie Pyle
Wednesday: read Pyle’s columns and explain in writing why they are impactful
Thursday-Friday: Edward R. Murrow film bio.