Reflection & LP Nov. 26-30

With a short week and a school full of kids looking forward to their grandmas’ home cooking, there were still some amazing moments.  On Tuesday all classes took a moment to consider how important it is to be thankful and how much we have to be thankful for.  I shared with my classes the story of my severely handicapped older brother and how his life shaped mine.  I urged them to consider the miracles their lives are and how they do not have the right to be bored…EVER!  Their lists of blessings were rather amazing and blessed me by their sincerity and genuineness.  We are indeed blessed beyond compare to spend our days in such a place and with each other.


Students will be able to:

~identify the main points of the Behaving & Responsive Brain

~identify and explain the function of each part of the brain

~explain the significance of biochemistry and brain function

~explain how disease or injury can alter the functionality of the brain both physically & psychologically

Monday & Tuesday:

Lecture & discussion on text chapter on brain


Diagram parts of brain & identify function


film:  Responsive Brain


Begin film:  Beautiful Mind


Intro to Journalism:

Students will be able to:

~clearly explain the impact of Pulitzer & Hearst in writing

~explain the impact of the Newsboy Strike of 1899

Monday & Tuesday:

Read handout & articles from New York Times about 1899 Strike ]

Essay Test over material


Review of William Randolph Hearst biography

Thursday & Friday:

Citizen Kane

Nov. 19 & 20 LP


Students will be able to:

~explain the basics of the disorder of autism,

~explain what savantism is and why it may occur

~explain the implications of the latest research on autism, brain function etc.

Monday & Tuesday:

Complete YouTube films on famous autistic savant Kim Peek.  Discuss implications of research findings in relation to Peek.


Students will be able to:

~identify the repercussions of yellow journalism on American History

~explain the impact of the 1899 New York Newsboy strike


Complete Newsies


Essay test response

Reflection & LP Nov. 12-16

The week was exciting and chaotic with illness, recovering from my only child’s wedding, volleyball and football playoffs.  The step back and punt psychology lesson for Monday was to finish the film Rainman and answer questions about it.  Tuesday  & Wednesday there was lecture and discussion on the ‘Behaving Brain’ as well as an educational film by reknowned psychologist Dr Philip Zimbardo.  Thursday we were out of school for state volleyball. Friday we watched three of five parts of film about the actual ‘Rainman’ Kim Peek and discussed the implications of new brain research and autism.

J1 pursued current events, newspaper analysis and viewing of the film Newsies based on the 1898 New York newsboy strike.  The history of the period has been examined and discussed.

Reflection & LP Nov. 5

The week that was…Homecoming flew by with halls filled with Roughnecks who built the Legacy that students today are adding to.  It is always a blessing to visit with old friends, make new ones, and catch up with former students.  The stadium pep rally was a tad on the warm side, but the MoJoe was hot and that was inspiration enough for the football team as they rode to victory on a homecoming high.

This week will be a bit of a challenge as it is the week before my only son marries.  I am blessed to work with students who share their lives with me and allow me to share mine.  We are all, hopefully richer for it.


Students will be able to:

~identify how surveys and interviews can be worded to elicit specific responses.

~identify the importance of sample size and representative random sampling.

~consider the power of the media in relation to the presidential election, poll predictions, political campaigns etc.


film:  misleading statistics–discussion & debate

Tuesday & Wednesday:  discussion of presidential election and the use of psychology to manipulate/motivate voters

Thursday & Friday:


Introduction to Journalism:

Students will be able to:

~explain what yellow journalism was, give examples and compare to tabloid journalism today

~explain muckraking and compare it to advocacy journalism today

~explain the historical events that contributed to the Spanish American War of 1898

~explain Pulitzer’s impact on 20th century journalism

Monday-Wednesday:  Newsies

Thursday:  Test

Friday:  Current Events