Jan. 31-Feb.4

TEKS 12B, 15D, 13A, 15C, 16A,
After this unit’s lessons students will be able to:
~define sociology
~describe uses of the sociological perspective
~distinguish sociology from other social sciences
~name the essential components of culture
~understand the role of ethnocentrism i society
~explain what social structure means
~explain how statuses and roles are related to social structure
~define ascribed and achieved status
Lecture & Discussion over the above
Introduce Survival Game
divide into groups
Group collaboration-Survivor
Group survivor presentations
Thursday & Friday
Film: Alive
Evaluation: peer evaluations of group presentation; teacher evaluation

Introduction to Journalism:
~distinguish between responsible and irresponsible media action
~identify foundations of journalistic ethics
~identify the history and development of American journalism through people and events
~read Longview News Journal & discuss
~id wire service stories
~Frontline interview Rawandan Massacre
~read LNJ
~discuss role & importance of foreign correspondents
~give background on Vietnam War’s results
~discuss Cambodian Khymer Rouge
~film: Killing Fields
~film: Killing Fields
~film: Killing Fields
Essay Test
TEKS: 110.62 1, A, B, C, 2 A, C,

Lesson Plans 1/24-1/28

Sociology is the study of group patterns of behavior and how they form the basis of relationships and events that create our society. A group consists of two or more people.

1st & 2nd Sociology:
TEKS: 113:37 1 b, 2 c, d, 3 a, b. c, 5 (2) a (& more)
After completing film discuss how slang and fashion reflects events and values of a period.
A general background for the field of sociology will be provided through readings, lecture and film.
The student will demonstrate understanding of the general concepts of sociology by building a society as a group project.
Monday: complete assignment from Friday–cultural patterns-fashion, language, entertainment
Tuesday: Introduction of Sociology as a discipline
Basic Concepts/film clip of social patterns–airport
Wednesday: Survivor game: create a society to survive loss of regular patterns of culture. Include division of labor, leadership tier, entertainment etc.
Thursday: group presentations
Friday: complete and evaluate group presentations (peer grading of presentations/teacher evaluation of overall project)

4th: Introduction to Journalism
The focus of this lesson is the developmet of critical thinking skills.
TEKS 110.62 (a) (1) (b) 1 A, C, 2 C,
The journalism students will examine the historical background of the Rawandan genocide of 1995 and the role journalism played in exposing the event to the world. The student will be evaluated by writing a personal response paper based on the film Hotel Rawanda.

Real World Journalism Unit:
Monday: Complete Hotel Rawanda
Tuesday: Frontline site: Last American in Rawanda eyewitness account
Wednesday: Read & discuss BBC News article: Rawanda: How genocide happened
Thursday: Ghosts of Rwanda PBS Frontline guide: background reading, politics of humanitarianism, Civil War or Genocide, time line, glossary,
Friday: Essay Test over unit

Lesson Plans 1/18-21

Senior Sociology students have been continuing a unit from the fall semester over sensation and perception that we are relating to culture as a whole, as well as individual lives. We have learned the science of how senses work and how the brain interprets information. We have also examined how experiences, biases, prejudices, learned behavior and herd mentality influence group behavior.

Introduction to Journalism students have been studying current events as well as the shootings in Arizona. They have had several outside reading assignments and are presently writing an opinion paper about the influence of political rhetoric and the reporting of said rhetoric in influencing cultural behaviors, including violence.

Lesson Plans
January 18-22

Monday: Holiday

1st & 2nd period Sociology:
TEKS: 113:37 (b), 3 (A), (B), © ; 4 (B)
Tuesday: Lecture & discussion Sensation & Perception:
Wednesday: Emotional IQ Self-Test
Thursday: Personality Self-Test
Friday: IQ test

4th period Introduction to Journalism:
TEKS: 110.62 1 (A), (B), ©, 2 (A), (B), (C)
Tuesday: turn in & discuss role of political rhetoric & violence papers
read & discuss newspaper articles
Wednesday: discuss role of journalism in coverage of foreign affairs
Thursday: film: Hotel Rawanda
Friday: film: Hotel Rawanda

Newspaper: rough drafts due
Yearbook: student life, fall sports rough drafts

Lesson Plans Jan. 10-14

1st & 2nd Psych./Soc.
113.36 3-D, 4-A, 5-A, 7-A, 9-A, 10-A, 12-A, 13-B, 14-A, B, D, 17-A
Monday: film: At First Sight
Tuesday: film complete
Wednesday, Thursday & Friday: discuss sensation & perception, handout Come to Your Senses: Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of the following terms: absolute threshold, difference threshold, just noticeable difference, signal detection theory, transduction, sensory adaptation, hearing, vision, touch, pain, taste & smell, importance of pain, top-down processing, Ponzo illusion, attention, law of Pragnanz, subliminal messaging, perceptual sets, context

4th period Intro to Journalism:
TEKS: 110:62 1-A, B, C, G,
Monday: Battle over Citizen Kane documentary
Tuesday: Hearst empire-how built, what remains; impact of Hearst on American politics
Wednesday: Orson Welles impact on mass media & American culture, filming Citizen Kane
Thursday: decline of Hearst & Welles…essay test over impact of Citizen Kane
Friday: complete essay questions in class