The week that was…Homecoming flew by with halls filled with Roughnecks who built the Legacy that students today are adding to. It is always a blessing to visit with old friends, make new ones, and catch up with former students. The stadium pep rally was a tad on the warm side, but the MoJoe was hot and that was inspiration enough for the football team as they rode to victory on a homecoming high.
This week will be a bit of a challenge as it is the week before my only son marries. I am blessed to work with students who share their lives with me and allow me to share mine. We are all, hopefully richer for it.
Students will be able to:
~identify how surveys and interviews can be worded to elicit specific responses.
~identify the importance of sample size and representative random sampling.
~consider the power of the media in relation to the presidential election, poll predictions, political campaigns etc.
film: misleading statistics–discussion & debate
Tuesday & Wednesday: discussion of presidential election and the use of psychology to manipulate/motivate voters
Thursday & Friday:
Introduction to Journalism:
Students will be able to:
~explain what yellow journalism was, give examples and compare to tabloid journalism today
~explain muckraking and compare it to advocacy journalism today
~explain the historical events that contributed to the Spanish American War of 1898
~explain Pulitzer’s impact on 20th century journalism
Monday-Wednesday: Newsies
Thursday: Test
Friday: Current Events