Introduction to Journalism 2nd Period:
TEKS 110.62
(a) Introduction
(1) Students enrolled in Journalism write in a variety of forms for a variety of audiences and purposes. High school students enrolled in this course are expected to plan, draft and complete written compositions on a regular basis, carefully examining their papers for clarity, engaging language and the correct use of the conventions and mechanics of written English.
In Journalism, students are expected to write in a variety of forms and for a variety of audiences and purposes. Students will become analytical consumers of media and technology to enhance their communications skills.
Writing, technology, visual and electronic media are used as tools for learning as students create, clarify, critique, write and produce effective communications.
Students enrolled in Journalism will learn journalistic traditions, research self-selected topics, write journalistic texts and learn the principles of publishing.
Monday : Course introduction, benefits and requirements of class. Walkabout observation and response as springboard for course content.
With the over-arching goals, as stated in the TEKS in mind, the first week of school we will explore the importance of the written word in a variety of forms. I will expose students to different styles of dynamic writing, challenge them to articulate their responses to the selections both orally and in writing.
Wednesday: Students will bring in one book or article that has impacted them in some way and share why and how the selection was significant for them.
Thursday: Students will respond in writing to question: Why is the Pen Mightier Than the Sword and substantiate answer with facts and examples (both personal & historical).
Friday: Study Skills review.