The week was exceedingly hectic with yearbook distribution and the ensuing issues that go with troubleshooting missing books and other problems. I am still recovering from the 24/7 nature of the week which will continue this next week with school pictures, more yearbook, Gauger deadline and end of six weeks grades due. With that said, it was a productive and interesting week in class.
PSYCHOLOGY students are studying Sigmund Freud and the impact he had on not only the field of psychology, personality theory and psychoanalysis, but also on the 20th century in general.
We also held a SENIOR FRIDAY session where we discussed how to schedule college classes for maximum success, the importance of work study job connections, and how to network with professors.
In INTRO TO JOURNALISM we reviewed yellow journalism, muckraking, Pulitzer & Hearst and are presently viewing the film Citizen Kane. In addition to the parallels to Hearst’s life, we are learning about photo composition while freezing frames from the film to identify leading lines, framing, light & shadowing etc.
CSU leaders, led by Cory Evers are busy planning the See You At The Pole SYATP scheduled for next Wednesday.
Calendar for the week of Sept. 26:
~continue distribution of yearbooks & work on Gauger deadline
~Tuesday: all school pictures (except for seniors)
~Wednesday: SYATP
~Friday: end of six weeks