After lecture, discussion, exposure to film and reference resources, students will be able to:
TEKS 113.36
(7) understand the history of the field of psychology. The student is expected to:
(A) identify defining characteristics that differentiate the field of psychology from other related social sciences;
(B) trace the impact of associationism, psychodynamic (Freudian) thinking, behaviorism, and humanism on current thinking in psychology;
(8) The student compares the processes of theory development and validation. The student is expected to:
(A) define and differentiate the concepts of theory and principle;
(B) describe the relationship between earlier and later theories related to a give psychological construct; and
(C) identify and describe the basic methods of social scientific reasoning
Monday: read Chpt. 1 Sec. 1 & discuss Why Study Psychology
Overview of field
Identify Goals of Psychology
Explain orally the scientific basis of field
Tuesday: Read & discuss A Brief History of Psychology
Identify & explain historical approaches in field:
~Structuralsim, Functionalism, Inheritable Traits, Gestalt Psychology
Identify & explain contemporary approaches in field:
~Psychoanalytic psychology
~Behavioral Psychology
~Humanistic Psychology
~Cognitive Psychology
~Biological Psychology
~Sociocultural Psychology
Wednesday: Complete coverage of material from Tuesday
Begin Introduction to Psychology film narrated by Dr. Phillip Zimbardo
Thursday: Complete film & discuss
Friday: Chapter Test