Psychology 1st & 2nd Periods:
TEKS 113:36 Knowledge & Skills Objectives:
(1) The individual in Society: The goal is for the student to understand the dynamics of the relationship between self and others to be a contributing member of the community. The student is expected to:
(A) participate in class as a leader & a follower
(B) adjust behavior appropriately to fit various situations
(C) contribute to the development of a supportive climate in groups, and
(D) accept and fulfill social responsibilities associated with citizenship in a group setting.
(16) Social Studies Skills: The student will develop long-term and short-term goal-setting skills for individual & community problem solving. The student will be able to:
(A) illustrate the relationship & sequence between intermediate goals & terminal goals
(B) monitor and evaluate self-directed inquiry or projects for timelines, accuracy and goal attainment
Monday: Last First Day of School activities & reflection
Individual Goal Setting for student’s senior year (the written goals will be placed in a envelope, sealed eventually placed in the diploma packet the student will receive at graduation.
Tuesday: Lecture, discussion & viewing of Randy Pausch’s The Last Lecture
Wednesday: Journal assignment: Lifetime goals (50 Things I want to do before I die)
Thursday: Discussion of goals; Overview of Course Topics, Intro to Origins of Psychology, Myth of Psyche (handouts)
Friday: Senior Friday: College Goals, Timeline, Deadlines, Financial Aid & Scholarship Info.