Monthly Archives: August 2009
Christian Student Union
CSU meets every Friday at 7:30 a.m. in the journalism classroom. Tom McMahon will be leading our worship through music this year. The meeting is open to anyone who would like to attend, without regard to religious affiliation. We share concerns, prayer, song and devotions. Our ‘I Believe’ Principal, Mr. Dan Noll has been invited to lead our first meeting on Friday the 28th.
Welcome to my world
I would like to welcome all of my new and returning students. I am very excited about all of my classes.
I would especially like to welcome my senior psychology kids. Over half of you are either in 1st or 2nd…so be prepared to get close…literally. Small room, 30 kids in one section, 29 in the other. Despite the size of the classes we will be doing many group activities. Be prepared for a walk down memory lane on the first class day. During the first six weeks we will be learning about the general background (history) of the discipline and its unique ties to American culture and academia. We will look at research methods and the structure of the brain. We will also sample the latest research on brain structure and development and how it affects individuals. We will also pursue the development of individual leadership skills, goal setting and planning for life after high school. This is a course that is jam packed with academic info, personal development and group dynamics. I look forward to growing with you.
Future reporters in J1, welcome. This is an intro class that is structured as a mass media course. We will discuss what journalism is and why it is important to maintain our freedom and the integrity of our government. At this time we have about 25 kids enrolled in this class. This is an ACADEMIC elective that focuses on writing and critical thinking. It is primarily a lecture and multi-media class experience. Be prepared to enhance the skills you are learning in English and social studies classes.
Roughneck & Gauger Journalists: Welcome family! Do NOT forget that YOU are a member of the working press. You are viewed in the professional world as a scholastic journalist. We are charged with creating publications that tell the story of this place at this time. For the veterans, you know the level of work required and the hours necessary to create the excellence our program is known for locally and nationally. Get ready…pen and cameras in hand to hit the ground running. For those of you new to staff…what is required is first of all a tremendous work ethic, secondly reporting and writing ability and always the ability to deal with people, deadlines, stress and multiple responsibilities. I can’t wait to work with you guys!