Sociology students went to a new place intellectually and emotionally in their study of sociological perspective and how societies are formed and the institutions that uphold them and determine their health. After viewing the film ALIVE! not only was there a new appreciation for the resiliency and determination of humans, a greater appreciation for life was proclaimed by students. As one student said, “How can I complain?” Indeed.
J1 students have been working on feature writing and producing leads based on impromptu stories and interviewing. The continue to pursue their daily study of the current events with a daily reading of the Longview News-Journal.
Spring school activities continue to decimate classes as tennis, golf, baseball, softball, band and choir have been out for competitions. Makeup work in a timely manner is essential for the students’ grades and the teacher’s sanity.
Students will be able to:
~explain fully the terms: sociology, culture, group, role, role conflict, norms, mores, taboos, folkways, status, status symbol, values, and give examples of each.
~list and explain fully the traditional American values and what impact they have had on America’s political system, economy and society.
Tuesday-Thursday: lecture, notetaking, discussion
Friday: Senior Friday-college prep, scholarships, FAFSA, etc.
Introduction to Journalism:
Students will be able to:
~clearly explain what feature writing is, specific elements of feature writing, difference between news-feature and feature writing.
~fully develop a feature story with interviewing and quotes
~identify contributions of feature writers to the craft
Tuesday-Thursday: UIL/ILPC films & powerpoints on feature writing
Friday: Read aloud from Pulitzer prize-winning stories