May 13-17 Lesson Plans


Students will be able to:

~identify the impact that small groups can have on large social problems

~identify and explain what issues you would choose to commit to addressing to improve your corner of the world


Finish 1968….class debate questions

Identify what causes have impacted the world you live in and have changed America generationally.


Film:  A Day in the Life


Class response to issues raised in film


Sociological Perspective:  how would a day in your life make a difference in the lives of others  Essay


Wrap up lesson on Sociological Perspective and Sociological Imagination

Intro to Journalism:

Students will demonstrate:

~the ability to write feature stories correctly

~understanding of basics of photojournalism

~explain composition in relation to photography


Photojournalism lesson taught by head photographer Dalton LaFerney

Tuesday & Wednesday:

Film over history of photography


Caption writing essentials and application


Photography as related to theme development

Lesson Plans May 6-10


Students will be able to:

~explain the importance of sociological perspective and sociological imagination

~explain who C. Wright Mills is and his contributions to the field of sociology

~examine the distinctiveness of subcultures within a larger culture

~hypothesize how subcultures form and their influences within a culture


View examples of subculture and discuss development & impact (examples from American culture)

Tuesday:  film:  Being Human

Wednesday:  discuss film, written response

Thursday & Friday:  A Day in the Life (student essay identifying subcultures within students’ own lives)

Introduction to Journalism:

Students will be able to:

~explain the journalistic rules of feature writing

~display competency in feature writing


discussion of feature writing with student samples of leads


press conference interview

Wednesday: write people profile

Thursday:  discuss progress

Friday:  turn in profile and peer edit