One becomes a teacher for a variety of reasons: idealism, love of a subject, a heart for kids, a desire to choose a career that complements motherhood…one stays a teacher because of dedication, commitment, love of kids and subject. Hopefully those are the reasons anyway. In the last three years I have taught my heart out while my father declined and eventually passed away and now I am the caretaker for my aging mother. This is what I have learned: my students are compassionate, sensitive, understanding and loving. There are a handful of kids on yearbook/newspaper staff who make sure that the job gets done and done correctly because they are invested in the program, its success and our commitment to each other. Working with high school kids can be a gift. Working with these kids is a blessing from God.
Students will be able to:
~identify and explain the elements of healthy relationships and how they impact families and community
~explain impact of poverty on education, family dynamics and society as a whole
Monday: Discuss film: The Notebook
Tuesday: Essay Test
Wednesday-Friday: Country Boys
Introduction to Journalism:
Students will be able to:
~explain the contributions of Ernie Pyle to combat journalism
~identify and explain the impact of journalism on war coverage, refugees, foreign policy etc.
Written assignment over Ernie Pyle (analysis of Death of Sgt. Kowolski)
Tuesday-Thursday: Killing Fields