Reflection & Lesson Plans April 1-5

One becomes a teacher for a variety of reasons: idealism, love of a subject, a heart for kids, a desire to choose a career that complements motherhood…one stays a teacher because of dedication, commitment, love of kids and subject. Hopefully those are the reasons anyway.  In the last three years I have taught my heart out while my father declined and eventually passed away and now I am the caretaker for my aging mother.  This is what I have learned:  my students are compassionate, sensitive, understanding and loving.  There are a handful of kids on yearbook/newspaper staff who make sure that the job gets done and done correctly because they are invested in the program, its success and our commitment to each other.  Working with high school kids can be a gift. Working with these kids is a blessing from God.


Students will be able to:

~identify and explain the elements of healthy relationships and how they impact families and community

~explain impact of poverty on education, family dynamics and society as a whole

Monday:  Discuss film:  The Notebook

Tuesday:  Essay Test

Wednesday-Friday:  Country Boys

Introduction to Journalism:

Students will be able to:

~explain the contributions of Ernie Pyle to combat journalism

~identify and explain the impact of journalism on war coverage, refugees, foreign policy etc.


Written assignment over Ernie Pyle (analysis of Death of Sgt. Kowolski)

Tuesday-Thursday:  Killing Fields

Lesson Plans March 25-29


Students will be able to:

~analyze and identify cultural factors that led to declining educational success over the last 20 years

~identify societal problems that contribute to issues in providing quality education

~identify and isolate factors affecting education at WOHS

~propose effective, innovative solutions to repair what are perceived to be local educational problems

~identify factors of excellence in teaching

Monday:  Essay Test–analysis of issues

Tuesday:  Issues of Poverty in Education

Wednesday-Friday:  Country Boys


Introduction to Journalism:

Students will be able to:

~identify voice in writing

~explain and demonstrate the use of ‘active voice’

~identify major figures in broadcast & print journalism and their contributions to the field

Monday:  Film:  biography Ernie Pyle

Tuesday:  Complete film

Wednesday-Friday:  columns, analysis, testing

Reflection & LP March 18-22

Good thing Spring Break came on the heels of the state basketball tourney, I don’t think we could have stood one more iota of excitement. Of course we sent off state powerlifting, team tennis and the ever successful UIL debate team to carry the Roughneck brand at the highest levels.

The rubber will now hit the road with looming deadlines, testing and spring events that tend to focus concentration on what prom shoes to get as opposed to focus on projects and papers.

District UIL is a week away and the goal for another district crown is firmly in place. The practice and prep have been extensive.  Now it is time to compete.

Yearbook and newspaper deadlines are weighing heavily on the adviser and editors, as well as hopefully on the staff. 

S0omewhere in this miasma of excellence, stress and facing a new future, lessons will be learned. 


Students will:

~identify the most serious problems facing American education today

~suggest solutions or minimizations for each problem.

~compare problems of past with present and draw conclusions on what has changed that is impacting education both positively and negatively

Monday:  group projects–brainstorm problem causes and present to class
