Lesson Plans Dec.3-7


Students will be able to:

~identify the specific parts of the brain and the function of each

~explain the function of serotonin, dopamine and other chemicals produced in the brain

~discuss the new research on ‘happiness’ and how it applies to student

~identify the ‘things’, activities, people that make them happy and draw conclusions about how to apply the information in personal and career development

~explain how mental disorders like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder impact an individual’s perception

Monday:  Review of common mental disorders and their causes

Tuesday-Thursday:  A Beautiful Mind

Friday:  Essay Test


Introduction to Journalism:

Students will be able to:

~explain why Citizen Kane is considered to be the greatest American film ever made

~identify cultural impact of film

~explain parallels to Wm. Randolph Hearst

Monday-Wednesday:  Film:  Citizen Kane

Thursday & Friday:  Discuss film, essay test & current events

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