What a busy, busy overwhelming time at WOHS. Students are busy preparing for the fall play, band and choir competition, and working to make playoffs or regional competitions in football, volleyball and cross country. At the same time, in the production room the staff is busy selling ads, preparing a yearbook sale, working on the second broadsheet Gauger (which will also be the Homecoming Gauger), and working on the first yearbook deadline.
On Senior Friday in psychology, we talked about university/college choice for a good individual fit, early admission and housing deadlines, study skills needed, and read testimonials of three students at A&M, ACU and SFA in reference to their adjustment from high school to college and what is required to be successful. One of my goals is to help the kids keep focused among the chaotic whirl of their senior year, their ultimate career and life goals.
College and real world work success is often far removed from the grade and test pattern of education that they are familiar with. WOHS teachers are working hard to ensure their future success by incorporating lessons that focus on higher level thinking skills, problem solving and creativity.
Students will be able to:
~explain the environment and family dynamics of Sigmund Freud that led to his philosophical and conceptual approach to psychology that resulted in the new discipline of psychotherapy
~identify the major contributions of Freud to the field and to the 20th century
~explain the role of biochemistry & behavior
~explain how pharmacology and therapy can be used alone and in tandem to address serious psychological problems
~identify the different parts of the brain
A&E Biography film: Sigmund Freud
complete film and discuss
Brain chapter review
film: Behaving Brain lecture & discussion
film: Responsive Brain lecture & discussion
Students will be able to:
~demonstrate understanding of basic AP Stylebook Rules
~demonstrate the ability to write a review according to journalistic guidelines
~explain the major events of Joseph Pulitzer’s life & contributions to American & International Journalism
Turn in review; watch Biography film on Joseph Pulitzer
Complete film & discuss
Discuss William Randolph Hearst’s competition with Pulitzer and contributions to American journalism, background on Citizen Kane
Thursday & Friday:
Citizen Kane