Reflection & LP Oct. 1-5

Last week was busy with the study of the history of psychology, conceptual foundations of journalism, upcoming newspaper deadlines and more.  After missing Thursday and Friday to help my 85-year old mother host a family engagement party for my son, and gaps in Monday’s instructional time because of drug tests we are getting back on track for a week filled with powerful lessons and growth, both academic and personal.

Monday:  class disrupted by drug testing


Students will consider Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development in relation to the stage they are in:  identity vs. role confusion.  Students will:

~identify childhood dreams that may indicate lifelong careers and/or interests

~plan how to accomplish dreams that should be evolving into goals

~identify mentors and their impact on individual student’s lives

~explain how they can mentor in turn affecting the lives of others

~demonstrate grasp of conceptual knowledge and apply what is being learned in writing and through discussion

Tuesday:  complete film Bucket List, begin lengthy introspective essay process

Wed. & Thurs.: complete essay test

Friday:  Senior Friday:  choosing a university–how to make sure it is a good fit for you

Intro to Journalism:

Students will be able to:

~produce a review based on sound rules of review writing and meeting Associated Press Stylebook rules

~explain the major breaking stories of the week

~identify news, news feature, feature and column writing as presented in the Longview News-Journal

Monday:  class disrupted by drug testing

Tuesday:  Instruction on Review Writing

Wednesday:  Instruction in basic AP Stylebook Rules

Thursday:  writing review

Friday:  review critiques

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