Lesson Plans 1/18-21

Senior Sociology students have been continuing a unit from the fall semester over sensation and perception that we are relating to culture as a whole, as well as individual lives. We have learned the science of how senses work and how the brain interprets information. We have also examined how experiences, biases, prejudices, learned behavior and herd mentality influence group behavior.

Introduction to Journalism students have been studying current events as well as the shootings in Arizona. They have had several outside reading assignments and are presently writing an opinion paper about the influence of political rhetoric and the reporting of said rhetoric in influencing cultural behaviors, including violence.

Lesson Plans
January 18-22

Monday: Holiday

1st & 2nd period Sociology:
TEKS: 113:37 (b), 3 (A), (B), © ; 4 (B)
Tuesday: Lecture & discussion Sensation & Perception:
Wednesday: Emotional IQ Self-Test
Thursday: Personality Self-Test
Friday: IQ test

4th period Introduction to Journalism:
TEKS: 110.62 1 (A), (B), ©, 2 (A), (B), (C)
Tuesday: turn in & discuss role of political rhetoric & violence papers
read & discuss newspaper articles
Wednesday: discuss role of journalism in coverage of foreign affairs
Thursday: film: Hotel Rawanda
Friday: film: Hotel Rawanda

Newspaper: rough drafts due
Yearbook: student life, fall sports rough drafts

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